Truth to tell, I haven't been shooting a whole lot of anything, and even less so fisheye lately. But truth to tell, I do think I have a roll of fisheye that I haven't done anything with at all, so that's just being lazy. And truth to tell, if the theme here is to be all lomo-y, then why does it look like it's all fisheye, when my Rainbow V 22mm lens ultra wide & slim is also considered a toy camera and now under the umbrella term of "lomo". And I have been shooting with the Rainbow V. My how paradigms come into focus over a year of none activity.
Geez, the previous post was right before southern Taiwan was devastated by that horrible typhoon. It wiped one mountain village off the map. And video of a 6-story hotel falling into river was broadcast around the world. And the lomos in that post were from November 2008? Two years ago! I'm time's bend-over boy.
So, since August 2009 ... I left that job at the newspaper. I didn't really quit, I just told them I wasn't coming back until they shaped up operations.
What happened was that at the beginning of December, the other reliable copy editor quit after giving over a month's notice. In all that time management didn't make a concerted effort to find a replacement, to my disbelief. At the last minute, they half-heartedly found a few people to try out.
So after that co-worker quit, it was just me and these other people who didn't know the job, didn't know the pace, and I didn't have any time to train them. So from that point on, it was just insane for me, basically copy editing every page myself, with the trainees just doing what they could to just skim a little bit of the burden off.
I scheduled a vacation to go back to the U.S. in mid-January and that was my ultimatum. I did that craziness for a month and a half, sometimes sending pages to the printer after only one print-out from the page designers. Usually several print-outs are necessary to catch all the mistakes and two copy editors had to sign off before sending.
But I was leaving mid-January and I told them it was none of my business what happened after that, they had to figure it out. And I also told them after I got back, I was taking a break for at least 2 months, lest they thought they could just wait out my vacation.
Well, those 2 months just kept on extending and extending, and I'm still not working, even though they did finally stabilize the position and the overall craziness. One copy editor did recently suddenly quit, putting them in a bind, and I thought that's not a good sign. There must be a reason for that, but it turns out that he was just unprofessional and someone with no honor. But it put the paper in a bind and they asked me if I could fill in a few shifts until they could find a replacement, and I agreed, but I still have no intention of returning permanently yet.
Otherwise, I haven't been doing much of anything. Just figuring out the meaning of life, listening to music, finding the meaning of life is listening to music, and ... that's it. I think I'll call 2010 my "lost year". Everyone needs one of those anyway.
Anyway, the lomos below are from the same bike ride out to Taiwan's east coast as the previous post. A 40 mile ride if I remember correctly, and it was cloudy on the coast, but also windy so perfect for kite flying. There's like a "kite point" out there which is famous for having perfect winds for kiting. There's also one on Taiwan's north coast where there's a kite festival every year, and so I'm sure one is held at this place, too.
Oig, from November 15, 2008!:
Hoot (Girls' Generation)