March 14, 2007 - Roosevelt Road, across the street from the Taiwan University campus, but I'm not sure if those buildings are university buildings. There's like an elementary school or something somewhere around there, go fig. Actually, those buildings don't look like an elementary school either. Anyway, there's the entrance to the Gongguan MRT station across the street.
March 21, 2007 - From the rooftop deck of my apartment at like 5:30 in the morning. Since I had 8:00 classes last semester, I woke up extra early to fit in 45 minutes of sitting meditation. Then I got the nutty idea of doing walking meditation on the rooftop deck which gave me some nice sunrise experiences. Actually, there's nothing nutty about that, what am I talking about?
That semester ended last week. My next semester starts on Monday and I specifically requested a 3:30 P.M. class, and I got it! Unlike the zombies working the registration office at Shida, the Taida people I think might actually even like me! Haha, I know they like me, they might actually even love me! Yea!
iTunes soundtrack:
1. Neal and Jack and Me (King Crimson)
2. Dive (Nirvana)
3. Art of Dying (George Harrison)
4. Velvet Waltz (Built to Spill)
5. Moonage Daydream (David Bowie)
6. She Caught the Katy (The Blues Brothers)
7. Playboy Mommy (Tori Amos)
8. Hole In My Life (The Police)
9. Tony's Theme (The Pixies)
10. Back In N.Y.C. (Genesis)
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