Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Boston (The Wedding)

Still on the Boston Lomos, still on black and white, still shooting my first roll of color. Soon I'll have enough to mix things up a bit.

As I mentioned, I went up to Boston on September 25 for my cousin's wedding. I hadn't seen her in eight years, since my brother's first wedding. I have pictures of her at that wedding I recently found out when I scanned a roll of that wedding.

My mother is older sister of her father. Our families were the only ones that immigrated to the U.S. from Taiwan, and so they were the only cousins we knew and grew up with. Our families visited each other several times a year when we were kids, they lived about an hour away, but once we got to high school age, we pretty much lost touch.

Cousin Sola:

It was great to see her so happy. She was the middle child. I remember her being a very straight arrow, very serious, quiet and reserved, really smart, maybe the smartest of the siblings, high on filial piety. She was kind of dorky (her siblings might vehemently argue against that), but in a sweet, endearing, charming way. But since we lost touch during high school, I don't have any insight into her personality. I get the impression that she is highly principled, faultlessly loyal to her friends, very honest, caring, giving, compassionate, selfless . . . wow, what a great person! I hope I'm right.

Her younger sister, Mimi, moved to San Francisco while I was there, and I got to know her a little more as an adult than her siblings. I remembered her as my "baby cousin", so seeing her all grown up in San Francisco was truly a delight. She's really beautiful, and has a certain grace and elegance about her. She was very easy to be around and just had a calm and gentle energy. However, we didn't hang out a whole lot in San Francisco, and when I left, I didn't even tell her.

Cousin Mimi:

Mimi got married this past Spring, and I didn't go to the wedding even though I was in San Francisco at the time. However, for the occasion, their older brother Glen was in town, and I did meet up with him. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw him. I have no recollection of seeing him within the last 20 years. He didn't think it was that long, but just talking to him a little bit, I knew the last time I saw him was before he developed any political, social, or cultural ideology. From his family background and what he was like when he was a kid, I was certain he would turn out to be conservative, if not Republican. So I was totally shocked when I found that we could actually have a conversation!

Cousin Glen:

My uncle:

I have to give him and my aunt credit, from the way their kids turned out, compared with how me and my brothers turned out, they did a great parenting job. My uncle and my mom are from the same evil greedy, obsessively materialistic stock, but my aunt is perfectly an angel, so maybe a lot came from her line. My dad might have been born in a test tube, but I'm still trying to gather evidence of that. Seriously, there is like no one from his side of the family. But no, I don't mean to disparage my uncle in any way, he's always seemed like a great guy and wonderful father. My direct experience with him has mostly been pretty good, and the evidence that he is, in fact, a product of my evil greedy, obsessively materialistic grandmother's upbringing is all indirect.

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